Registration of martial arts schools
Martial Arts schools or institutes may become registered by the Academy as an accredited Budo school.

Academy recognition implies:
Registration and publication of the accredited institution in the Academy’s web site and annual publications.
Entitling the school to set courses and advanced training on behalf of the International Budo Academy.
Graduates of the accredited institutions are entitled to award International Budo Academy’s DAN degree certificates to their apprentices.
Discount for activities held on behalf of the Academy.
To apply, the following must be submitted:
Name of Head Master, his degree and origin of certification.
Please enclose CV and copies of degree certificates / diplomas.
Number of years of the school activity.
Number of instructors and apprentices in the school.
Number of Black Belt certifications issued by the school.
Address and phone number of school / organization or Budo coordinator.​
The above should be submitted to the Dean’s chamber, and final approval will be done by the Academic Committee, with the following conditions:
Receipt of all of the above documents.
Academy course graduation of the school educational staff
The certification will be valid for a period of 3 years. If the school senior staff remains unchanged, the certification will be automatically renewed.